c# - how to make DLL acess a class/object in the exe applicaiton in which it is loaded -

i have c# exe application loads dll runtime, know how can dll access public static class of application ??

this problem can sloved third dll containing contracts , commonly used stuff. declare interface in contracts assembly , inject object implementing dynamically loaded classes.

you cannot use static class, cannot implement interfaces. if need static use singleton pattern.

// in contracts assembly  // defines same functionality in static class. public interface iservicecontract {     void someservicemethod(); }  // classes dynamically loaded dll public interface iaddin {     void testmethod(); } 

// in dynamically loaded assembly  public class addinclass : iaddin {     private iservicecontract _service;      public addinclass(iservicecontract service)     {         _service = service;     }      public void testmethod()     {         _service.someservicemethod();     } } 

// in main assembly (exe)  public class implementsservicecontract : iservicecontract {     public void someservicemethod()     {         console.writeline("hello world!");     } } 


iservicecontract service = new implementsservicecontract();  assembly assembly = assembly.loadfile(@"c:\mydll.dll"); var type = assembly.gettype("addinclass"); iaddin addin = (iaddin)activator.createinstance(type, service);  addin.testmethod(); 


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