detailsview - How to show a file in a Details view in asp.NET MVC4 web application? -

i working on mvc4 web application. have create view upload file (cv). succeeded upload file correctly need show (the cv) in details view , don't know how it. here's class :

 public class consultant {     public int id { get; set; }     public int cin { get; set; }     public string nom { get; set; }     public string prenom { get; set; }     public string refcommercial { get; set; }    [displayformat(dataformatstring = "{0:dd/mm/yyyy}", applyformatineditmode = true)]     public string datenaissance { get; set; }      public string fonction { get; set; }     public string tel { get; set; }     public string experience { get; set; }     public string email { get; set; }     public string cvurl { get; set; } 

the attribute cvurl contains file's name. want show file in details view of consultant. help? thanks


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