node.js - How to make API function call inside ng-repeat? -

i have scope function defined in controller calling api fetch data database. using scope function inside ng-repeat. when run application, getting hanged, know little bit dirty checking, not able find how handle such situation.

in controler:

$scope.gettranslatedtext = function (categoryid, categorydetailid, languageid) {         $http.get('api/datacategorydetailtranslations' + '/' + categoryid + '/' + categorydetailid + '/' + languageid).         success(function (data) {             return data.datacategorydetailtranslations;         });     }; 

inside index.jade

li(ng-repeat="property in properties track property.propertyid | orderby : 'region'" ng-init="abc=compute()" menuhover itemscope itemtype="")   a(ng-href='{{property.urlname}}')       img.hotelimage(ng-src='{{property.propertythumbnail}}' alt="{{property.propertyname}}" style="height:36px;width:40px;")           div.column2               p.hotelname(itemprop="name") {{property.propertyname}}                   div.thumbsupnav(florapopover template="thumbsupnav")                       span.sprite_image.white_thumbs_up_icon                   p.starrating                       span(class="{{property.starrating}}")                                                                               span(ng-show="property.visible", style="width:310px;") {{property.starrating}}                   p.hoteladdress                       span(itemprop="location") {{gettranslatedtext(2, property.streetaddress, 1)}}                       span.viewmap(data-item="4" itemprop="geo" itemscope="" itemtype="") (show map)                           meta(itemprop="latitude" content="25.2530800688814")                           meta(itemprop="latitude" content="55.3282535076141") 

when place function inside of view interpolation, gets evaluated @ least twice every digest cycle, can many times per second. such, not idea put api call 1 of these functions.

consider using directive instead. like:

.directive('gettranslatedtext', function($http){   return {     scope: {       categoryid: '@catid',       categorydetailid: '@catdetailid',       languageid: '@langid'     },     link: function(scope, element, attrs) {       $http.get('api/datacategorydetailtranslations' + '/' + scope.categoryid + '/' + scope.categorydetailid + '/' + scope.languageid)       .success(function (data) {         scope.translated = data.datacategorydetailtranslations;       });     },     template: '<span itemprop="location">{{translated}}</span>'   } }); 

... appear in view looking this:

<span get-translated-text cat-id="2" cat-detail-id="{{property.streetaddress}}" lang-id="1"></span> 

the api call run once per directive instance, @ point when linking function called.

here demo, exhibits concept doesn't work result of network request being invalid.

as aside, $http calls better contained inside of services, other angular components may call rather in controller or directive. included in directive here, however, avoid introducing many moving parts in answer.


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