c# - Workflow required to perform lengthy ASP.NET task -

i have asp.net webforms application mimics desk system. application works fine, recently, asked me make can text message in system whenever new desk ticket opened.

i using twilio , working fine. problem is, there 15 people in system should getting text message , when ticket submitted, application takes 15-20 seconds repost submit. in future, there more 15 people, double even.

what wondering if there way send these messages in background, page come submit right away. here relevant code:

this main method wrote sending text message. in utility class:

    public static string sendsms(string phonenumber, string message)     {         var request = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/accounts/" + constants.twilioid + "/messages.json");         string postdata = "from=" + constants.twiliofromnumber + "&to=+1" + phonenumber + "&body=" + httputility.htmlencode(message);         byte[] data = encoding.ascii.getbytes(postdata);         string authorization = string.format("{0}:{1}", constants.twilioid, constants.twilioauthtoken);         string encodedauthorization = convert.tobase64string(encoding.ascii.getbytes(authorization));         string credentials = string.format("{0} {1}", "basic", encodedauthorization);          request.method = "post";         request.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";         request.contentlength = data.length;         request.headers[httprequestheader.authorization] = credentials;          using (var stream = request.getrequeststream())         {             stream.write(data, 0, data.length);         }          string responsestring;         using (var response = (httpwebresponse) request.getresponse())         {             using (var reader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream()))             {                 responsestring = reader.readtoend();             }         }          return responsestring;     } 

and here how i'm calling it:

public void btnsubmit_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     //     // more code here, irrelevant     //      var employees = new employees();     employees.getall();      foreach (employee employee in employees)     {         string number = employee.cellphoneareacode + employee.cellphoneprefix +                         employee.cellphonesuffix;         if (!string.isnullorempty(number) && number.length == 10)         {             utility.sendsms(number, "a new desk ticket in system!");         }     } } 

the other idea can come create wcf service, seemed on kill. suggestions welcome!

any asynchronous approach should trick. example, using task or (if you're on .net 4.5+) async method. (remember handle asynchronous errors supplying callback .continuewith() examine task errors , respond accordingly.)

meaningfully responding errors in case might complex, though. sounds sort of operation want keep re-trying in event of failure (with logging in case of constant failures), , want continue loop if 1 message fails. little more manual might in order.

for recommend persisting messages simple database table application , continuing ui want. have separate application, such windows service, periodically polls database table , sends messages in simple loop on records.

a approach keep simple status flag on message records. queued, sent, error (with error message), etc. windows service can update records sends messages in loop. given message errors, update record , continue loop. re-try error-ed messages appropriate.


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