adding category to new created journal article in liferay -

i trying add category new created article. code here:

servicecontext servicecontext = servicecontextfactory.getinstance(     journalarticle.class.getname(),      actionrequest ); article = journalarticlelocalserviceutil.addarticle(     importerconstants.importer_id,      importerconstants.group_id,      importerconstants.doc_folder_id,     titlemap,      descmap,      content,      structureid,      templateid,      servicecontext ); assetentry ae = assetentrylocalserviceutil.fetchentry(     journalarticle.class.getname(),      article.getresourceprimkey() ); //returns assetentry assetentrylocalserviceutil.addassetcategoryassetentry(48183, ae); 

article created without problem, when try call

 assetentrylocalserviceutil.addassetcategoryassetentry(48183, ae) 


assetcategorylocalserviceutil.addassetentryassetcategory(ae.getentryid(), 48183) 

it won't bring results , table assetentries_assetcategories without changes. number 48183 categoryidfrom table `assetcategory.

can tell me can problem? ps: using liferay portal community edition 6.2.0 ce ga1


try updating article asset entry required category id

assetentry updateentry(         long userid, long groupid, string classname, long classpk,         string classuuid, long classtypeid, long[] categoryids,         string[] tagnames, boolean visible, date startdate, date enddate,         date publishdate, date expirationdate, string mimetype,         string title, string description, string summary, string url,         string layoutuuid, int height, int width, integer priority,         boolean sync)     throws portalexception, systemexception   assetentrylocalservice.updateentry(             userid, entry.getgroupid(), journalarticle.class.getname(),             entry.getentryid(), entry.getuuid(), 0, assetcategoryids,             assettagnames, visible, null, null, entry.getdisplaydate(), null,             contenttypes.text_html, entry.gettitle(), null, summary, null, null,             0, 0, null, false); 


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