ruby on rails - RubyOnRails Authorization : I have changed my authorization method and after making some changes to routes.rb I am now getting NO ROUTE errors -

in first few lines made changes. there way can post project can give information possible? not using users controller/file @ all. authorization require me use user scaffold, because using newuser scaffold.

cms::application.routes.draw    root :to => "home#merchant"    controller :sessions     'login' => :new     post 'login' => :create        delete 'logout' => :destroy   end      resources :newusers    resources :users    resources :maintenances    resources :leases    resources :sales    resources :saleterminals    resources :salesreps    resources :terminaltypes    resources :processings    resources :manufacturers    resources :promotions    "community/index"   resources :currents    resources :merchants   "home/index"  "home/about"  "home/contact"  "home/processing101"  "home/terminaloptions"  "home/weekend"  "home/conditionsofuse"  "home/privacypolicy"  "home/announcements"  "home/support"  "home/sitemap"  "home/search"  post "home/search" end 


a piece of advice - can dry routes declaring multiple resources sequentially so:

#config/routes.rb cms::application.routes.draw    root to: "home#show", id: "merchant"    controller :sessions     'login' => :new     post 'login' => :create        delete 'logout' => :destroy   end     resources :newusers, :users, :maintenances, :leases, :sales, :saleterminals, :salesreps, :terminaltypes, :processings, :manufacturers, :promotions, :currents, :merchants    resources :community, only: :index   resources :home, only: [:index, :show]       collection           post :search       end   end end 

something note moved entire home actions send show action. reason being if want show individual pages, you'll need show action so:

#app/controllers/home_controller.rb class homecontroller < activerecord::base    def show       render "home##{params[:id]}"    end end 

authentication vs authorization

authentication whether user or not

authorization whether user has permission things or not

if you're looking authenticate user, may better suited using gem called devise, handles entire authentication process, signup sessions. there railscast here



in reference issue, if want show projects information, why don't have projects controller actions index , show:

#config/routes.rb resources :projects, only: [:index, :show] 

if want allow users upload or change projects, can use "admin" area of sorts, this:

#config/routes.rb namespace :admin    resources :projects, except: :index #-> /admin/projects/new end 


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