ios - Ignore nil properties when serializing JSON using RestKit -

i have class:

@interface moviestatus : nsobject @property (nonatomic, strong) nsnumber* seen; @property (nonatomic, strong) nsnumber* watchlist; @end 

where both properties represent optional nullable boolean values. i'm sending object server using restkit through rkobjectmanager , created appropriate mapping. i'm unable skip property post data when serializing object.

for example, code:

rklogconfigurebyname("*", rklogleveltrace);  rkobjectmanager* manager = [rkobjectmanager managerwithbaseurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@""]]; manager.requestserializationmimetype = rkmimetypejson;  rkobjectmapping* requestmapping = [rkobjectmapping requestmapping]; [requestmapping addattributemappingsfromarray:@[@"seen", @"watchlist"]];  rkrequestdescriptor* requestdescriptor = [rkrequestdescriptor requestdescriptorwithmapping:requestmapping objectclass:[moviestatus class] rootkeypath:nil method:rkrequestmethodpost]; [manager addrequestdescriptor:requestdescriptor];  rkroute* route = [rkroute routewithclass:[moviestatus class] pathpattern:@"status" method:rkrequestmethodpost]; [manager.router.routeset addroute:route];   moviestatus* status = [[moviestatus alloc] init]; status.seen = @(yes); [manager postobject:status path:nil parameters:nil success:nil failure:nil]; 

is sending json:

{   "seen": true,   "watchlist": null } 

where i'd send:

{   "seen": true } 

can point me out how can achieve it?

i solved setting assignsdefaultvalueformissingattributes of mapping no:

requestmapping.assignsdefaultvalueformissingattributes = no; 

now json request doesn't contain null values.


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