java - Field not populating from database -

database table

create table wies.department (     dept_id               integer  not null          generated default          identity (             start 100,             increment 1),     dept_nme              varchar(20) ,     sequence_no           integer ,     active_ind            char(1)  default 'y' ); 

entity class

@entity @table(name = "department", schema = "wies") public class department implements jpaobjectwithname, serializable {     private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;      @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity)     @column(name = "dept_id", unique = true, nullable = false)     private integer           departmentid;      @column(name = "sequence_no")     private int               sequence;      @column(name = "dept_nme")     @size(max = 20, message = "")     private string            name;      @transient     private boolean           active;      public integer getdepartmentid()     {         return departmentid;     }      public void setdepartmentid(integer departmentid)     {         this.departmentid = departmentid;     }      public string getname()     {         return name;     }      public void setname(string name)     { = name;     }      public int getsequence()     {         return sequence;     }      public void setsequence(int sequence)     {         this.sequence = sequence;     }      public boolean isactive()     {         return active;     }      public void setactive(boolean active)     { = active;     }      @column(name = "active_ind")     public string getactivestring()     {         return booleanutils.tostring(active, "y", "n");     }      public void setactivestring(string activestring)     { = booleanutils.toboolean(activestring);     }      @override     public string tostring()     {         return ( != null)             ? : super.tostring();     }  } 


@suppresswarnings("unchecked")     public list<department> getdepartments()     {         string jql = "select department a";         query query = entitymanager.createquery(jql             + " order a.sequence,");         return (list<department>) query.getresultlist();     } 

the generated sql statement console

2014-06-09 16:31:34,282 debug [org.hibernate.sql] - <select department0_.dept_id dept_id1_9_, department0_.dept_nme dept_nme2_9_, department0_.sequence_no sequence3_9_ wies.department department0_ order department0_.sequence_no, department0_.dept_nme> 

the select statement missing column active_ind. how included select statement without adding field in department class populated?

the reason use boolean field checkbox on form, , storing database needs 'y' or 'n' displaying 'y' or 'n' in table.

this bit non-elastic, in annotations section before class can add annotation, this:

@entity @table(name = "department", schema = "wies") @where(clause = "active_ind = 'y'" ) public class department implements jpaobjectwithname, serializable { ..... } 

in way, records active selected.


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