sql - Insert into partitioned table return violates check constraint but shouldn't -
i've table in postgresql , want partitioned. structure below
table "dtd1"."logadminactivity" ( "username" character varying( 200 ) not null, "action" character varying( 100 ) not null, "pk" character varying( 5 ) not null, "tabel" character varying( 200 )not null, "timestamp" timestamp without time zone );
then i've create partition table inherit tabel "dtd1"."logadminactivity" above this:
create table "dtd1".logadminactivity_kategori ( check ('tabel'='kategori') ) inherits ("dtd1"."logadminactivity"); create table "dtd1".logadminactivity_subyek ( check ('tabel'='subyek') ) inherits ("dtd1"."logadminactivity"); ... create table "dtd1".logadminactivity_satuan ( check ('tabel'='satuan') ) inherits ("dtd1"."logadminactivity"); create table "dtd1".logadminactivity_memberfilter ( check ('tabel'='memberfilter') ) inherits ("dtd1"."logadminactivity");
after create indexes each partitioned table in username coloumn. create trigger function , trigger call trigger function in below. so, when insert data, coresponding tabel coloumn redirected proper partition table.
create or replace function "dtd1".logadminactivity_insert_trigger() returns trigger $$ begin if ( new."tabel" = 'kategori' ) insert "dtd1".logadminactivity_kategori values (new.*); elsif ( new."tabel" = 'subyek' ) insert "dtd1".logadminactivity_subyek values (new.*); .. else raise exception 'tabel out of range. fix logadminactivity_insert_trigger() function!' ; end if; return null; end; $$ language plpgsql; create trigger insert_logadminactivity_trigger before insert on "dtd1"."logadminactivity" each row execute procedure "dtd1".logadminactivity_insert_trigger();
then test insert procedure such
insert "dtd1"."logadminactivity_subyek" ( "action", "pk", "tabel", "timestamp", "username") values ( 'bla', '12312', 'subyek', '2014-01-01 02:02:03', 'asdf' );
but why return error this
error: new row relation "logadminactivity_subyek" violates check constraint "logadminactivity_subyek_check" detail: failing row contains (asdf, bla, subyek, 12312, 2014-01-01 02:02:03).
how can happened because i've try follow documentation in ?
i think 'tabel' value query above ('subyek') not match trigger function when check check constrain pass. there part miss or there solution solve problem?
check ('tabel'='subyek')
that check constraint incorrect because 'tabel'
it equivalent check (false)
you want
check ("tabel"='subyek')
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