powershell - IF statement + send-mailmessage confused -
quick question; want make log of bad stuff happening servers, that's not question.
the log should deleted upon send, , if there no log @ time script being run should send different message, without attachment.
here's script far:
<# set-executionpolicy unrestricted -force iex ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) cinst bettercredentials #> import-module bettercredentials $mailcred = get-credential -user user@gmail.com -pass 12345password try{ $file = c:/path/errorfile.log } catch [system.management.automation.psargumentexception] { "invalid object" } catch [system.exception] { "caught system exception" } { if ($file -eq ){ (send-mailmessage -erroraction silentlycontinue -from "server <server@company.com>" -to "it dept. <itdept@company.com>" -subject "log of day." -body "good morning, fortuneatly, nothing bad report today!" -priority high -dno onsuccess, onfailure -smtpserver smtp.company.com -credential ($mailcred) -usessl) else (send-mailmessage -erroraction silentlycontinue -from "servers <server@company.com>" -to "it dept. <itdept@company.com>" -subject "log of day." -body "good morning, here daily report." -attachments $file -priority high -dno onsuccess, onfailure -smtpserver smtp.company.com -credential ($mailcred) -usessl) } }
what doing wrong here?
some parts of code not make sense. let's review those.
$file = c:/path/errorfile.log ... if ($file -eq ){
the first part assignment. in order find out wether errorfile.log
exists, use test-path
cmdlet so,
$file = test-path 'c:/path/errorfile.log'
always use quotes around file name. if got spaces within path, unquoted path doesn't work.
the second part actual test.
if ($file){ ... # file on disk, send alert , delete } else { ... # no file found, send ok }
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