java - I tried to read string from file and store it in Excel sheet -

this have tried

public class uniqueuser  {       static hssfworkbook hwb=new hssfworkbook();       static hssfsheet sheet =  hwb.createsheet("new sheet");       public static void main(string[]args) throws ioexception      {       hssfrow row;       hashset<string> names = new hashset<>();       bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader (new filereader("sample.log"));       printstream out=new printstream("d:/excel.xls");       string str=null;       while((str=br.readline())!=null)       {       if(str.contains("fltr"))      {           string user=str.substring(97, 135);                   names.add(user);                   hssfrow row1 =  sheet.createrow((short)count);       } }  iterator itr=names.iterator();   while(itr.hasnext()) {        out.println(;    }  }  } 

this program storing values excel sheet when read same file using following program, getting exception , errors..

public class country1  {      private string name;          private string shortcode;      public country1(string n, string c)          {;                  this.shortcode=c;          }      public void country(string name2, string shortcode2)           {         // todo auto-generated constructor stub          }      public string getname()           {            return name;          }          public void setname(string name)           {         = name;     }          public string getshortcode()           {              return shortcode;          }          public void setshortcode(string shortcode)           {              this.shortcode = shortcode;          }      @override          public string tostring()          {              return name + "::" + shortcode;          }  }  public class readexcel  {      public static list<country1> readexceldata(string filename)      {         list<country1> countrieslist = new arraylist<country1>();          try                   {                      //create input stream xlsx/xls file                      fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(filename);              //create workbook instance xlsx/xls file input stream                      workbook workbook = null;                      if(filename.tolowercase().endswith("xlsx"))                          {                             workbook = new xssfworkbook(fis);                          }                          else if(filename.tolowercase().endswith("xls"))                          {                              workbook = new hssfworkbook(fis);                          }              //get number of sheets in xlsx file                           int numberofsheets = workbook.getnumberofsheets();              //loop through each of sheets                          for(int i=0; < numberofsheets; i++)                          {                  //get nth sheet workbook                      sheet sheet = workbook.getsheetat(i);                  //every sheet has rows, iterate on them                      iterator<row> rowiterator = sheet.iterator();                  while (rowiterator.hasnext())                           {                      string name = "";                      string shortcode = "";                  //get row object                          row row =;                    //every row has columns, column iterator , iterate on them                 iterator<cell> celliterator = row.celliterator();                          while (celliterator.hasnext())                                   {                                   //get cell object                                   cell cell =;                          //check cell type , process accordingly                                   switch(cell.getcelltype())                                   {                                     case cell.cell_type_string:                                     if(shortcode.equalsignorecase(""))                                     {                                      shortcode = cell.getstringcellvalue().trim();                                     }                                     else if(name.equalsignorecase(""))                                     {                                 //2nd column                             name = cell.getstringcellvalue().trim();                                     }                                    else                                   {                                 //random data, leave                                system.out.println("randomdata::"+cell.getstringcellvalue());  }  break;   case cell.cell_type_numeric:  system.out.println("random data::"+cell.getnumericcellvalue());  }  } //end of cell iterator  country1 c = new country1(name, shortcode);  countrieslist.add(c);  } //end of rows iterator   } //end of sheets loop  //close file input stream fis.close();  }   catch (ioexception e)   {  e.printstacktrace();  }  return countrieslist;  }  public static void main(string args[])  {      list<country1> list = readexceldata("d:\\excel.xls");      system.out.println("country list\n"+list);  }  } 

i confused program correct , 1 wrong.. please me.. lot

exception below:

unable read entire header; 320 bytes read; expected 512 bytes     @     @     @<init>(     @ org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.poifsfilesystem.<init>(     @ org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.hssfworkbook.<init>(     @ org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.hssfworkbook.<init>(     @ com.unisys.readexcel.readexceldata(     @ com.unisys.readexcel.main( 

country list


try change

iterator<row> rowiterator = sheet.iterator(); 


iterator<row> rowiterator = sheet.rowiterator() 

also, when writing create rows, not write them

hssfrow row1 =  sheet.createrow((short)count); 

then create cell

row.createcell (0).setcellvalue (user); 


just had @ code, why on earth doing

printstream out=new printstream("d:/excel.xls"); 

use poi api create xls.


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