django - Get an attribute's class from its name in Python? -

how can class attribute's type in python same way in java code?

field f = classname.class.getdeclaredfield("attr_name"); class<?> ftype = f.gettype(); 


c = classname() c.__dict__ 

i can attributes name , values, not types.

more specifically, using django, if have 2 classes, poll , choice, defined follow

class poll(models.model):     question = models.charfield(max_length=200)     pub_date = models.datetimefield('date published')  class choice(models.model):     poll = models.foreignkey(poll)     choice_text = models.charfield(max_length=200)     votes = models.integerfield(default=0) 

how can know if class has models.foreignkey attribute's type , other class points?

i need output like:

# attribute poll in class choice foreignkey type # , points poll model choice.poll -> poll 

to class name of related model, use

print   # prints 'poll' 

or, way:

field = choice._meta.get_field_by_name('poll')[0] print  # prints 'poll' 

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